Founders Day and 50th Anniversary Celebration in Philadelphia!
The Philadelphia Chapter observed Founders Day on June 14, 2014, at a luncheon held at Cafe Aldo Lamberti's located in Cherry Hill, New Jersey.
Our party was seated in a lovely private room located in their wine cellar. In appreciation of their service and commitment over the years...we honored our Charter members with a bouquet of flowers. After the Symbolization Ceremony was performed honoring the founding members......a good time was had by all.
The Sisterly display of camaraderie truly symbolized unity. We continued in the celebratory mode in celebrating our 50th Anniversary and honoring our Charter members on November 9, 2014. The Anniversary Celebration was held on the exquisite grounds of the Bala Golf Club in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in a public forum with 145 guest in attendance.
Part of our program consisted of a brief history of our organization and the local Philadelphia well as honoring our Charter members. Entertainment was provided by Key Arts Productions/Joseph Patterson with Sisters & Voices .....a tribute to Black Divas of Song chronicling musically Black Songstress from Bessie Smith to Patti LaBelle. Another part of our Entertainment was Dancing by DJ Julius Brown, Jr.
We also had on display our National Quilt. It was indeed a stunning display and our guest appreciated the work. This event truly exhibited our contribution in maintaining high cultural standards with our involvement in civic improvement and providing social activities.