President's Message
Greetings Charms, Charmers, Gems and Visitors,
As the 15th National President of Charms, Incorporated, I am filled with joy and excitement as I welcome each of you to the “Virtual World of Charms, Incorporated. If you have landed here on the President’s Message, this is just the beginning, I admonish you to continue navigating through our website because “The best is yet to come.”
As you scroll through each tab, you will learn all about where and how we began and where we are going. You’ll learn that Charms, Incorporated is an organization that has a very rich history dating back to its founding in 1952 and anticipation for an even brighter future. You will learn about our Founders, who were a small band of young Pittsburgh women who because of their busy lives met once a month to socialize and catch up on the news in and about Pittsburgh. The ladies usually gathered late in the evening, thus they jokingly referred to themselves as “The Midnighters.” You will learn how our name went from Midnighters to Squaws to Charms. You will learn that Charms, Inc. is a nonprofit social, civic, and cultural organization of bold women dedicated to high cultural standards and humanitarian service that will improve the quality of life for all. You will see that our families play an important part of our organization as well, our husbands/significant others are referred to as Charmers, and our children who we refer to as our Gems. Yes, they do follow us all around as we travel from state to state, city to city taking care of Charms business.
As I reflect on that night so many years ago, I wonder if our Founders realize or even imagine the impact that their first meeting would have on them, women in general, their communities and this great United States as a whole. Did they think or imagine that their meeting would birth into the universe 22 Chapters filled with strong bold women located throughout these United States who continue to build on the foundation they laid, stiving to follow our guiding principles as we go about doing the business of Charms, Incorporated.
Okay, I could go on and on about what a great organization Charms, Incorporated is, but I invite you to enter our “Virtual World” and discover that for yourself. Read about our rich history, our past that has made us excited about our future. Keep clicking and discover the impact we make within our various communities, local and national projects we support, social and fundraising activities we host, read about the many strong bold black women from all over the United States that make up this great organization. Be our guest at one of our many local or national social events. I know that after you have thoroughly explored our website you will want to know “how can I be a part of such an amazing organization”? Glad that you asked! Simply click on that contact us tab for more information.
Ready, Set, Go!!!!
Welcome to the Charms, Incorporated Website
Charm Barbara D. Frazier
National President 2022-2024