Hats off, to the Detroit Chapter of Charms, Inc. Founders Day 2013
During the month of June, Chapters of Charms, Inc., in twelve (12) states pause to cele- brate Founders’ Day. Charms, Incorporated has given fifty-one (51) years of service via twenty- one (21) chapters throughout the United States. It is a national civic, social, and cultural organi- zation founded in Pittsburgh, PA in 1952 by Mrs. LaVera Horde and incorporated in 1962. Charm Elizabeth Chatman of the Benton Harbor (Michigan) Chapter is the national president.
In 1967, the Detroit Chapter of Charms was incorporated. Sat- urday, June 22nd was a day, long awaited by the Detroit Chapter of Charms, Inc. On that day, we celebrated Founders’ Day.
After a succulent buffet that amply fed the body, Charms, their Charmers and guests listened to a keynote address by Dr. Flora Jenkins, Director of the Office of Professional De- velopment and Certification at the Michigan Department of Education. Dr Jenkins’ talk, Our Children and Schools, bought much food for thought.
Vocalist Anna Brayak’s, the daughter of Charm Joy Defrance, incredible rendition of Never Give Up—Keep the Dream Alive left our souls full and was an appropriate intro- duction to the most important part of the day—the Charms’ community involvement efforts.
Charm Dr. Grenae’ Dudley- White, Ph.D., is a skilled storyteller. During the opening of the Charles H. Wright Museum in Detroit, Michigan, she was one of the Storytellers at that event. Charm Grenae’ intro- duced the Detroit Chapter’s history of service through a story. It was a story about Patricia of the Village of Kunde’ and how she learned to be of service.
Detroit Charms’ President Dr. Patricia S. Johnson, Ed.D., presented this year’s civic pro- ject donation to the Covenant House. Mrs. Carolyn Millard accepted the award on behalf of the Covenant House, a pro- gram that serves homeless youth through residential hous- ing, social services and charter schools.
Joining the Detroit Charms for this sparkling affair were Charms, Inc, National Officers and Chairpersons, as well as representatives, from the Ben- ton, Harbor, Michigan and Toledo, Ohio Charm Chapters.
Our own National/Local Histo- rian Claudia McDuffie not only arranged for the whole affair to be captured photographically; she also beautifully displayed local chapter artifacts, video and archival exhibits. The Charms, Inc., National Quilt was promi- nently displayed.
The affair’s theme, Hats Galore and More brought out the giddy in everyone present. For the dar- ing and stylish, hats, which any fashion boutique would die for, graced heads and smiling faces. A sizzling competition gave a prize to the lady and gentleman sporting the hat with the most oomph! The coveted prize was won by Phyllis Mitchell, the guest of Detroit Charm Gwendolyn Woods. George DeFrance, the Charmer of Joy DeFrance won the prize for the men. The hat show was a de- lightful ending to an afternoon that fed the body, mind and souls of over forty guests.
The committee planning the elaborate affair included Charms: Patricia S. Johnson, Viola M. Walker, Claudia E. McDuffie, Joy DeFrance-Myers, Grenae’ Dudley-White and Doreitha Armstrong.
Hats off, to the Detroit Chapter of Charms, Inc., for a full and bountiful day!