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Charms Receive Awards | Charlotte Chapter

Charm Mae Orr was honored with an International Excel- lence Service Award from the United Nations. She received the award from the National Association of Ne- gro Business and Profes- sional Women’s Clubs (NANBPWC), International Division, a United Nations Non- governmental Organ- izational (NGO), during a recent trip to New York City.

Orr was recognized for color- ful pillowcase dresses that were delivered to girls in war -torn Liberia. A neighbor gave her the idea. She pre- sented the idea to her church and members of the NANBPWC. Club members from North Carolina, Florida, Alabama, and Georgia joined her to put the dressed to- gether that were simply made from pillowcases and ribbon.

Charm Mary Gill will be honored with The UNCF Maya Angelou Women Who Lead Award at the 11th

annual UNCF Maya Angelou Women Who Lead Luncheon in Charlotte, North Carolina Saturday, June 29, 2013 at the Westin Hotel.

Gill is being recognized for her contributions and com- mitment to higher education and for her personal and pro- fessional achievements. This distinguished award is being presented by Dr. Maya Ange- lou, poet, playwright, profes- sor, and a longtime UNCF volunteer.

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