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A Charming Founders Day Celebration in Durham!

The Durham Chapter of Charms, Inc. celebrated Founder's Day on June 7, 2014 by presenting our "Original" Mad Hatter's Luncheon at The Friday Center in Chapel Hill, NC. We honored six ladies from the community who exemplified excellence in their professions.

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They were: Mrs. MaryAnn Black, an Associate Vice President for Community Relations for the Duke University Health System; Mrs. Betty Reynolds Blackmon, an Appeals Coordinator in the Medicare Audit and Reimbursement Department of Blue Cross Blue Shield; Dr. Gladys C. Burnette, a retired principal who received a Doctor of Education Degree in Administration and Supervision from Duke University; Judge Wanda G. Bryant, who is serving her second eight year term in the North Carolina Court of Appeals; Mrs. Terry W. Spicer, founder and CEO of Epiphany Public Relations and Sisters Inspiring Sisters, Inc.which provides transportation assistance to cancer patients for medical appointments and Dr. Stacey Wilson-Norman, Durham Public Schools Deputy Superintendent for Academic Services.

The occasion and history of Charms was addressed by our then National Vice-President, Mrs. LaQuinta Parker-Perry. The "Fabulous Hat Strut" was enjoyed by all. A portion of the proceeds were earmarked for a charitable contribution and door prizes were given out.

There were 296 patrons in attendance with the oldest being 101years old in good health and sound mind. She received a standing ovation of respect and homage. The twenty members of the chapter were quite pleased with the classy affair with the feedback being overwhelmingly positive!

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